Justine Hervé
Hervé, J., (2023). “Specialists or generalists? Cross-Industry job mobility and occupational wages”, Labour Economics, 102391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102391
Mitra, S., Yap, J., Hervé, J., & Chen, W. (2022). Inclusive statistics: A disaggregation of indicators by disability status and its implications for policy. Global Social Policy, 14680181221077866.
Mitra, S., Chen, W., Hervé, J., Pirozzi, S., & Yap, J. (2022). Invisible or mainstream? Disability in surveys and censuses in low-and middle-income countries. Social Indicators Research, 1-31.
“Intimate Partner violence in low- and middle-income countries: are women with disabilities more at risk?” – with Sophie Mitra and Katherine Theiss R&R at Social Forces
“Quiet quitting in the post-pandemic era: Unveiling the perceived control channel” – with Hyewon Oh R&R at Human Resource Management (FT 50)
“Food coma is real: The effect of post-meal fatigue on adolescents' cognitive performance” – with Subha Mani, Jere Behrman, Arindam Nandi, Ramanan Laxminarayan under review
“Busy bees: How does conscientiousness affect labor market outcomes?” – with Subha Mani and Helene Purcell – under review
“Digital Skills in Occupations: Decomposability and bundle similarity in relation to mobility” – with Shiyan Zhang, Bei Yan and Jeffrey Nickerson
“Difference-in-Differences in strategic leadership research: An integrative multidisciplinary review” – with Sibel Ozgen
“The "Golden handcuffs" syndrome: Evidence on the high-wage vs. low mobility trade-off of Expert technology skills” – with Shiyan Zhang, Bei Yan and Jeffrey Nickerson - Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Best Paper Award.
“Not lost in translation: Machine translation technologies and their implications for the skills of language professionals” – with Francesca Borgonovi and Helke Seitz – OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper
“The unbearable lightness of lying: Leveraging the self-image cost of dishonesty” – with Utteeyo Dasgupta, Sudipta Sarangi and Marie Claire Villeval
“The impact of acquisitions on the gender wage gap within the firm” – with Marion Leturcq and Dominique Meurs
“Time-of-day effects on adolescents' cognitive performance” – with Subha Mani, Jere Behrman, Arindam Nandi, Ramanan Laxminarayan
“The Evolution of occupational identities in an AI-influenced labor ecosystem” – with Andrew Chen, Jingyi Sun, and Denghui Zhang
“Chatbot usage and critical thinking skills ” – with Eren Bilen